As a dad, faith and spirituality should be an important part of your life. It can provide a sense of purpose, meaning, and direction, as well as a sense of connection to something greater than yourself.
Inside the Article:
Why it matters:
- We’ll often reference growth in four areas of life: physical (fitness), social (community), mental (intellect), and spiritual (faith).
- Even in the Bible, Luke records that “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52 ESV).
- This wholistic growth is seen in the four areas of growth: physical (stature), social (favor with men), mental (wisdom), and spiritual (favor with God).
Now, maybe you’re not a Christian, that’s okay! Our goal is to encourage all men to grow spiritually, in whatever faith tradition that may be, since we all have different backgrounds, traditions, and cultures. It’s what’s beautiful about America’s First Amendment right to freedom of religion.
So let’s talk about spirituality, and how we can approach it in our lives; we will seek to answer the question, “how can I grow spiritually and impact my family.” As a dad, you may look at all you have to do and think, “How in the world can I do this?” Well, if we can look to better ourselves each day in the areas described above, we’ll see the type of impact it can have, not only on ourselves but our families as well.
Work to add depth to your relationships, purpose to your profession, adventure to your pastimes, and passion to your faith, and you’ll discover a most fortunate fact: happiness and fulfillment aren’t dependent on waiting for a layer that’s forever coming around the corner, but making the most of the ones you’ve already got.
Brett & Kate McKay, “Sunday Firesides: There Is No Other Layer to Life” The Art of Manliness, October 15, 2022
Spirituality may be the hardest of the four to try to grow in, especially in the day and age we live. Everything competes for our attention and time. But, as we’ll consistently argue, incorporating spirituality into your life will not only improve your daily habits but also impact your family in a way that we speak of your time here not merely as a “life” but a “legacy.”

Tips for approaching faith and spirituality as a dad
Make time for spiritual practice
One of the biggest challenges of being a dad is finding the time to prioritize your own spiritual practice. Between work, family obligations, and household responsibilities, it can be easy to let your spiritual life take a back seat. However, it is important to make time for spiritual practice, whether it is through regular prayer or meditation, attending religious services, or participating in other spiritual activities. By carving out time for spiritual practice, you can help to nourish your own soul and find a sense of balance and fulfillment in your life.
Share your faith with your children
As a dad, you have the opportunity to share your faith with your children and pass on your spiritual values to the next generation. This can be done through simple things like reading religious texts, singing hymns, or praying together as a family. You can also encourage your children to participate in religious activities, such as Sunday school or youth group. By sharing your faith with your children, you can help to cultivate their spiritual growth and provide a foundation for their own beliefs and practices.
Seek support from others
Faith and spirituality can be a deeply personal and individual journey, but it can also be helpful to seek support and guidance from others. This could be through a spiritual community, such as a church or synagogue, or through a group of like-minded individuals who share similar beliefs and practices. By connecting with others, you can find encouragement, accountability, and a sense of belonging, which can help you to stay grounded and focused on your spiritual journey as a dad.
Approaching faith and spirituality as a dad can be a rewarding and enriching experience. By making time for spiritual practice, sharing your faith with your children, and seeking support from others, you can nurture your own spiritual growth and pass on your values and beliefs to the next generation.